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TSD: 24-Hour Program for Treatment, Storage and Disposal Personnel

TSD: 24-Hour Program for Treatment, Storage and Disposal Personnel

This training is intended to meet the requirements of the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Final Rule (1910.120 effective March 6, 1990) for Treatment, Storage, and Disposal facility workers. The training program covers basic hazard recognition; use of provided protective equipment; basic control, containment, confinement, and decontamination procedures; other relevant standard operating procedures; and incident termination.

This program is similar in content and agenda to the 24-hour Hazardous Waste Site Worker Training program and the 24-hour Industrial Emergency Response (IER). Therefore, the facilitator for this program is referred to the complete Facilitator Guides for these other 24-Hour courses for guidance. Note that the IER program is for workers responding to an emergency whereas the TSD worker may be exposed to hazardous materials during routine operations at the TSD facility.


Category: Site Worker
Tag: Equipment-Based